September 19, 2017

Impotent United Nations

Every year large numbers of rampage killers, conspiracy theorists and anarchists gather at United National General Assembly (UNGA)-New York to edify the importance of pacifism, harmony and tolerance with shrill humbug before going back to their countries to resume the same obscenity and atrocities.

The magnitude of this vain annual assembly session is such unsavory that some countries – after tattling shallow statements to denounce human rights violations and stressing the need of dialogue to bringing peace – go back to carry on bullying millions around the world.

It is whether weepy Palestinians, persecuted Kashmiries, Syrian genocide, gruesome Afghanistan, Iraqi fallout, Libyan cataclysm or stateless roaming Rohingyas – United Nations has chronically failed to prevent Israeli, Indian, Russian, United States, and Burmese endless oppression on tearful men, women, and children.

And for some reasons, the victims of all these havoc are manifestly the Muslims and UN or other peace-keeping missions conserve criminal silence – not only ridiculing its fake resolutions but also to truly fuel such conflicts to mushroom brutalities.

If it East Timor, Scotland and Ukraine – suddenly this impotent forum is activated so as the international human rights bodies are galvanized – demanding and forcing to implement “equal and non-discriminatory” rights regardless of nationality, sex, ethnicity, color, religion or language through peaceful and sustainable dialogue.

But when it comes to the most-persecuted people in Palestine, Kashmir, and Rohingya/Arakan – instead putting pressure on hostile countries to enter into a constructive dialogue and pacify the tense situation to impede the mayhem – firewood is supplied to further blaze the conflict flames by silencing on occupying countries’ growing aggression on helpless people.

This attitude indeed directs to hypocrisy, duplicitous and outrageous behavior of the United Nations.

United Nations (UN) says 7 in 10 Palestinians killed in Gaza are civilians. In another report published by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Palestine death toll declared highest in 2014 since 1967. It goes on to note that due to summer 2014 hostilities in the Gaza strip known as Operation Protective Edge more than 2,220 Palestinians, including 1,492 civilians lost their lives, 513 of which were children.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, known as Srebrenica Genocide, according to International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the war claimed 200,000 lives and at its worst point, uprooted half the population of 4 million. It also included 12,000 children, app. 50,000 women raped and 2.2 million were forced to flee their homes.

Similarly, in Kashmir there have been endless atrocities by the Indian army killing more than one hundred thousand of people, tens of thousands disappeared and huge number women raped. In recent turmoil, over 100-Kashmiris have been killed and dozens have lost their eyesight due to use of pallet guns by Indian forces.

In Syria, reportedly more than 200,000 people are dead including thousands of children since 2012 and the many more to be added to the tally as Russia continues to strike opponent militia to patronize Assad regime.

Likewise, in a recent installment of state-terrorism in Rakhine-Myanmar; nearly 400,000 Rohingya Muslims have been forced to flee. People including children and women are burnt alive; being stabbed and killed as well as rape victims have grown immensely under rule of Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel laureate.

Operation GLADIO

It seems as the Operation Gladio “stay behind” is still active today and this time it targets Muslim countries. It is a kind of paramilitary “Pseudo Gang” covert operation which intends to destroy a city, country, and a region from within.

“The idea of “Pseudo Gang” is to murder innocent civilians and then blame the murders on the people that the military wants to discredit.” “The pseudo gang works for the military but pretends to be a bunch of terrorists.”

Society of Jesus and Jesuits

There is also “Society of Jesus”, the members of which are called Jesuits, a Roman Catholic order of religious men founded by St. Ignatius of Loyala. It is an only-male organization and Superior General of the Society of Jesus (J.S) is Black Pope (dresses in black).

Black Pope is considered to be “the-most powerful man” on the earth who “controls Maritime Laws (Business), Banking System, Freemasonry and the Secret Services (CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB). “The Vatican owns 60% of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount for their Solomon’s Temple”.”

Many of world organizations including the United Nations, NATO, European Commission, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), various central banks and big corporations, are said to be controlled under Jesuits Order. The Holy See (Vatican organization) participates as an observer in African Union, Arab League, Council of Europe, OAS (35-States of the Americas), International Organization of Migration (IOM), and United Nations (US) and its number of agencies:

FAO (food and agriculture), ILO (labor), UNCTAD (trade and investment), UNEP (environment), UNESCO (education, science, and culture), UN-HABITAT (human settlements), UNHCR (refugees), UNIDO (industry), UNWTO (tourism), WFP (food programs), WHO (health), WIPO (patents, copyrights, and trademarks), ECOSOC (economy), UNFPA (population and reproduction), UNODC (drugs control), and UNDPI (public information). “The Vatican-Jesuit Military Operation That Rules The World: No And If’s or Buts”

The Knights of Malta and Blackwater

The Knights of Malta is the militia of the Pope sworn to total obedience by a blood oath and even to the death. Also known as Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), The Order of Malta has ambassadors or diplomatic representatives in more than eighty countries, and enjoys Permanent Observer status at the United Nations General Assembly.

Blackwater, the so-called security firm, has historic links with the Order of Malta but neither the Blackwater is just a security firm nor the Knights of Malta is merely a charitable organization. In fact, Blackwater is a religious organization controlled through the Order of Malta reporting directly to the Pope and above and beyond US laws, as the name SMOM elaborates. “Blackwater - The Knights of Malta”

Jordanian MP Jamal Muhamad Abidat describes the role of this organization during the Crusades and now in the Middle East, “the so-called security firms in Iraq such as Blackwater have historic links with the Order of Malta”.

John F. Kennedy, murdered on November 22, 1963, spoke about Secret Society on April 27, 1961: “The very word secrecy is repugnant, in a free and open society. For we are, as people, inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret proceedings, and to secret oaths”…“Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Body Count of the War on Terror-Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan

Moreover, a study conducted by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PCR) in published in March 2015 “Body Count of the War on Terror-Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan” reveals that the war has directly or indirectly killed 1-million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan. The study further reports that this figure is nearly 10-times greater than that of media and major NGOs and this is just a conservative estimate as the total body count in these three countries could be 2-million.

The article published on August 3, 2015 in Mint Press News even shocking death toll since US War on Terror’ after 9/11 with the title “Do the Math: Global War on Terror has killed 4-million Muslims or more”.

Stephen M. Walt, Professor of International Relations at Harvard wrote in foreign policy in 2009:

“How many Muslims has the United States killed in the past thirty years, and how many Americans have been killed by Muslims? Coming up with a precise answer to this question is probably impossible, but it is also not necessary, because the rough numbers are so clearly lopsided.”